Galerie Hubert Winter

Franz Vana
The Mid-70's
10. February – 17. March 2012
Vergessen wir's, mein Weibchen. Leg dich schlafen. Morgen ist auch noch ein Tag. Hic calix! Schlag das in deinem Lateinbuch nach, es bedeutet "hier ist der Becher", und du darfst sicher sein, daß Wein drin ist.
Die letzten Zeilen. In: Jack Kerouac, Die Verblendung des Duluoz. Dt. v. H. Hermann. Hamburg, Rowohlt, 1975.

Franz Vana writes about the „black serie“

Fragments to the GRAPHITIC CARBON drawings and sculptures steel grey grey translucent reflecting greying GREY-SHAPED

chemical ELEMENT carbon in SHAPE

sediments of graphite on paper

GRAPHITIC CARBON – mineral material – interfused my work since 1972 and holds the oeuvre formal together

GRAPHITE reflects light in a thrilling way for me, it invents a substantial fetish of its world

GRAPHITE SIGNES and FORMS arise from the study of the body

the graphite faces spread out on the SUPPORT paper the DENSITY of the rills and structures produce an AREA OF TENSION

geometrical FORMS build SHADOWS CLEAR EDGES map