Galerie Hubert Winter

Richard Nonas
Slow Narratives
14. February – 22. March 2025

Galerie Hubert Winter is pleased to present the exhibition Richard Nonas – Slow Narratives. Richard’s first installation at the gallery was in 1991 and our collaboration has grown through the decades to include not only exhibitions of his sculptural works but the publication of his small handmade books, each page a space he marked with words and lines in much the way he marked the gallery’s space with wood and stone and steel.

In 1982, Richard wrote:
“This work, all of it, is space filled with hard moving—slabs pushing down rooms like fat habitable shadows; lines cutting through rooms like moving walls; marks on paper—the glare of forms, shapes, materials, space: all of it object, all of it content, all of it vibrating like nouns slipping into verbs.
This exhibition is my slow narrative of the thick movements that make objects go—that can make them go—screaming and kicking, toward silence.”

Now, this is the first installation in our gallery that Richard has not built, but the idea of a long slow narrative that leaves its traces is what we have to work with, the long slow narrative of his peripatetic life.

The exhibition was realized in close collaboration with the Estate and Studio of Richard Nonas.